Sunday, September 23, 2012

Festivities of all sorts!

Well Saturday was an absolutely amazing day. I started out the morning with a wonderful Skype date with mon amour, Casey. From 10:30-12:30 I had an au pair shift, where I only worked with Solene. Afterward, I hopped on the metro and headed to Mikayla's. There was a lovely little festival on her street with bands, dancers, and various other performers. It was fun.
 During the festival, we realized that we were both starving, so we went on a mission to find food. We ended up both ordering a chicken dish, which ended up kind of upsetting my stomach, because I don't really eat meat anymore. It was still delicious though.
After eating, we decided to explore the city and various shops. We ended up running into the Opera building which is beautiful.
Place de la Madeleine
Super decorated Metro station
We walked for quite awhile and got a sudden craving for hot chocolate. So we went to Amorino, where they have AMAZING hot chocolate!!!
I went home and took a long night to prepare for the night of epicness that we had. It was Amanda's 21st birthday, so obviously we had to celebrate! We went to a really fun bar and danced and drank the night away. We didn't get to sleep until almost 5 am, but it was a really fun night!!! 
Pre-gaming at Mikayla's
 I'm really starting to love my Parisian life.

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