Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bars and Barefoot in Paris

Friday was a really great day. It was our last day of our PLP class, so the day consisted of a short class period and then a potluck/movie day. Afterward, we had an activity at le Jardin du Luxembourg. It was a picnic for all of the CSU students. It was a bit cold, so we used wine to warm ourselves up.

It was a lovely time at the park, and lasted until about 4 pm. I returned to my apartment and rested a bit before my au pair shift at 6. My shift was super easy. It consisted on playing English computer games with Matthieu, and reading a few chapters with Solene. Piece of cake. When I got home, I took a shower and got ready for my night out.
A bunch of us decided that we needed to celebrate our PLP classes coming to an end. So we went out to a local bar. A big group of us decided to meet at Jovanni and Kirstie's apartment, because the bar was right down the street from their place. We met there around 10:30 and left for the bar. It was a really great night full of lots of good music and dancing. The only glitch was that there were a lot of creepy guys there, but we warded them off.
Talia's first time being drunk. "Why is everything so funny? Am I going to die?"
Sweaty before even going to the bar. Gotta love the hot metro!
Since there were so many weird guys at the bar, we decided to try and find another one. However, by that time, Jovanni, Talia, and I all had feet that were killing us. We were walking much slower than the rest of the group; therefore, we lost the group. Luckily, Talia managed to catch the last metro of the night back to her place. However, I still had all my stuff in Jovanni and Kirstie's apartment, so I was not able to take the metro home. Plus I would never leave Jovanni all by herself, obviously. Unfortunately, Jovanni did not bring her apartment key, because she figured we would all be together all night, and her roommate, Kirstie, had a key. We wandered the streets of Paris barefoot (gross, I know) and went to a cafe at either 2 or 3 in the morning and got coffee and sandwiches. We then headed back to their apartment in hopes that the rest of the group would return soon. Furthermore, Jovanni did not remember the access codes to either of the security doors into her apartment building. After trying countless combinations, the grace of God.....she figured them both out and we were able to go inside and wait outside their apartment door. The trip up the 6 flights of stairs to their apartment included the lights going off, and Jovanni plummeting down the stairs. It could not have made a louder sound in the absolutely silent apartment building. We probably waited for 30-40 minutes (I'm not quite sure), and finally the rest of our comrades returned! We all spent the night at their apartment, sleeping 4 to a bed. Very comfortable. It was quite the adventure.

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