Thursday, August 16, 2012

One more day in the States!

I can't believe I only have one more day in the U.S.
The day seemed so far off, and before I knew it, here it is! It completely snuck up on me!
It just so happens that my last day in the U.S. also happens to be my wonderful boyfriend's 21st birthday! So it's going to be a busy, crazy, emotional day for sure!
All of my bags are packed and all of my affairs are in order, even though I still have this constant fear that I am forgetting something incredibly vital. I am trying not to freak out, but flying by myself to France is a bit daunting. The main thing I'm obsessively worried about is missing my connecting flight in Houston. I don't want any delays or time crunches because I absolutely hate being late! I will feel a lot more at ease once I am safely seated on the flight to Paris.
Tomorrow afternoon, my parents, Casey, and I are driving down to Berkeley to stay with my uncles. I've already planned on not sleeping the night before because I know nerves will prohibit me from doing so; plus, I want to sleep on the plane and get a jump on the jetlag. Friday morning we will leave from Berkeley around 5 am to get to the airport. It's going to be a long 15 hour travel day, but I'm looking forward to this new adventure! I will let you all know when I am safely in my new home!

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