Thursday, August 30, 2012

Il fait mauvais!

Today was a very long, annoying day. My alarm went off at 7, and I was definitely not wanting to get up at that time. However, some how I found the energy to drag myself out of bed and get to the shower. Class was long, 4 hours is an obscene amount of time to be sitting in the same classroom. It didn't help that I was still super sleepy and having trouble staying awake. After class, we had an academic advisement meeting at La Sorbonne Nouvelle, which is a campus that is pretty close to our campus. There was an hour and a half break between the end of class and the meeting, so Betsy and I decided to take our time and walk there, rather then take the metro. It was a nice stroll and we got to see a part of Paris that we hadn't seen before. It was nice to see more of Paris instead of staying underground and only seeing the various metro stations. On our walk to La Sorbonne, we stopped in a few stores and I was happy to buy a pair of shoes. We only got slightly lost for a few minutes, but we found our way quite easily. When the meeting finally started it was SO boring! It was 2 full hours of everyone falling asleep. It was dreadful. To top it off, when the meeting finally ended, it started pouring rain outside. Since the weather in Paris is so unpredictable I was only wearing a dress and sandals, so I was not happy at ALL. We ran to the metro where we all managed to get drenched. I was absolutely exhausted and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. However, everyone wanted to get falafels, so I decided to tag along despite my fatigue. The falafel was quite delicious and a really good deal, so that was one of the highlights of my day. When we got back to the hostel, I hopped right into a nice warm shower and Mikayla and I chilled in her room. I finally managed to fit a nap into my day and felt so much better when I finally awoke. This day has definitely not been an ideal one, and I think I'm going to turn in early tonight. I am so glad that the weekend is almost here!

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