Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Faire du shopping? Oui, s'il vous plait!

Today was a really good day. I slept the most that I have slept the entire time I've been here, so I was feeling great and refreshed this morning! We went to class, which was super easy and went by quickly. To make the day better, our first Cultural Adaptation class was cancelled today, so the afternoon was opened up! After class, when we went back to the hostel, Betsy, Amanda and I decided to have lunch in the Luxembourg garden and then go shopping.

 I went to BNP in hopes of opening a french bank account, but it turns out I need to open up an account at the BNP in my arrondissement, which I don't move into until Sunday, so I couldn't open an account today. Afterward, we went to a cool Papeterie and bought stationary and then we went to a bunch of cute clothing stores where we wanted to buy the everything. I might go back tomorrow and buy a few articles of clothing that caught my eye. When we returned to the hostel, we chilled for a while and then went up on the terrace to do our homework. It was a nice, breezy, slightly overcast afternoon.
Homework and Orangina. Typical.

 We then went inside and decided to make dinner at the hostel. So Mikayla and I ran to Franprix and bought some spaghetti sauce and bread, and Amanda provided the pasta, and we made ourselves a lovely homemade dinner.

 After dinner, we busted out the nail polish and decided to be girly and do our nails :)

 Then, of course, Mikayla and I decided to go out and get gelato which was delicious (obviously). I'm looking forward to going to bed early again, because I like this energized feeling! It's been a great day!

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