So it's been a crazy week, full of stress on so many levels that I haven't been inspired to blog all week. But yesterday (Saturday, 6 October) was a crazy, awesome day; therefore, it deserves to be written about. I got on the metro in the morning to meet Mikayla and Jared at Mikayla's place for a homemade brunch. I get on the metro, and right when the doors closed the conductor comes onto the loud speaker and says "Attention, there is a pickpocket onboard, in car 2". Luckily, I wasn't in the 2nd car, so I wasn't too worried about it, but was still very cautious. AND THEN, we get to the next stop and right when everyone boards, the conductor comes onto the loudspeaker and says, "Attention: The pickpocket has moved to the 6th car".....and guess who was in the 6th car....Yep, this would happen to me. Right before the doors closed, a man who had just gotten off the metro points to a woman who had just boarded my car and shouts "Attention! Pickpocket!" The woman shouts "Salut!", spits at him, and then the doors slam we are stuck in the car with the pickpocket. The pickpocket was this tiny, pregnant woman who couldn't have been much older than me. She was with a bunch of her cronies and they were certainly scoping the place out with their shifty eyes. This poor American who was standing right next to them obviously didn't speak any French and was not aware that there was any drama going on. Luckily, this lovely woman patted him on the back and told him to look out. At first he ignored her, clearly not understanding what she had said, but she poked him again and in English said "BEWARE" and pointed at the pickpockets. So he checked his pockets and moved away from them. Everyone was clutching on to their bags until the next stop when the pickpockets got off and moved on to the next metro car. It was so intense! Oh, the thrill!!
When I got to Mikayla's, the three of us went to Franprix to get some maple syrup, champagne, and orange juice. While heading back from Franprix, we witnessed a crazy fight between 3 homeless guys, it was pretty intense! So much excitement in one morning! We returned to her place and enjoyed some wonderful French Toast (or....just toast, I guess?) and mimosas. Afterward, we went to Conforama and I purchased some sheets and various and sundry items for my apartment. We shopped for quite a while, so I was really tired when I got home. I needed to take a nap because that night was the Nuit Blanche where we were going to stay up all night!
A big group of us met at Jovanni and Kirstie's place to pregame a bit before going out. The Nuit Blanche was awesome! There was so much going on throughout the whole city! We wandered around for a long time and there seemed to be something going on around every corner. There was such a great energy in the air, it was fantastic. By the end of the night, we ended up going to a bar that we've been to before called "The Mad Maker" where we danced the night away.
It was a great time and I didn't end up getting home till almost 6am. I settled into bed with a cup of hot chocolate and didn't fall asleep until about 7. Needless to say, I didn't do much on Sunday.
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