Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving in Paris?

In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give a shout-out to everyone in my life who I am thankful for:

Parents: Thank you so much for always supporting me in everything I do, and making my dream of coming to Paris a reality. Thank you for always being there for me. I would not be the person I am today without you. And thank you for giving me and Hann an amazing childhood! J I love you guys!

Friends from home: I am so thankful to have so many great friends who have remained in my life for so long. We have grown up together and made so many beautiful memories. I love you all and can’t wait to be reunited with you!

Hann: I’m still convinced that nothing beats the relationship between sisters. You know absolutely everything about me and you just GET me! We have our own language, our own sense of humor, our own memories that no one else will ever understand. You are my best friend, I love you so much.

Family: Anyone who has ever met my family can back me up on this one. I have THE best family in the whole world. For real, you guys are just awesome and I can’t wait for the clan to be all together again! Love, love, love you ALL!!

Lane family (and everyone related): Even though I have only been in the picture for a little over 10 months, you have welcomed me with open arms and have made me feel as if I have been a part of your family forever. Thank you. It means so much to me. Love you all!!!

Parisian Friends: Never have I grown so close to a group of people in such a short amount of time in my whole life. You have all made this experience 1000x easier and I love every last one of you so much. You are my family and I look forward to many more years of wonderful memories J

And of course last but certainly not least:

Casey: Oh my, where to start? Thank you for being the kind, patient, loving person that you are. It is so hard being far from you and I miss you everyday. Not even 6,000 miles can sever the connection we have. You are the only one for me. Thank you for showing me what true love is. I love you forever.

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